Information about transit visa to Thailand. How to apply, requirements, cost, and application process.
A transit visa is a type of visa that allows you to pass through Thailand to reach your final destination. It is typically used for travelers who are transiting through Thailand to reach another country.This guide provides a clear understanding of the different types of transit visas, their requirements, validity, and the number of entries allowed.
If you're stopping over in Thailand for more than 12 hours, you may need a transit visa. This visa type is for travelers who are waiting for their connecting flight but plan to stay in Thailand for an extended layover.
Required Documents:
Validity of Visa:
Number of Entries:
This category of visa is for individuals working on vessels, planes, or other vehicles passing through Thailand’s ports or stations. Pilots, captains, and crew members require a specific visa if they are staying in Thailand temporarily as part of their work.
Required Documents:
Validity of Visa:
Number of Entries:
Athletes traveling to Thailand for sports competitions require a specialized transit visa. This visa covers participants in international sporting events held within Thailand.
Required Documents:
Validity of Visa:
Number of Entries: